Emergency Intervention Program

In the tumultuous landscape of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where conflict has raged for over two decades, the provinces of Ituri and North Kivu bear witness to the profound suffering of displaced populations. This enduring strife has driven countless individuals into the refuge of makeshift camps scattered in the vicinity of Goma, where the cries for aid echo amidst the turmoil.

At each juncture of confrontation, a wave of displaced souls surges forth, their pleas for urgent assistance reverberating across the landscape. Shelter, sustenance, medical care, and the most basic of necessities become elusive dreams in the wake of turmoil. In response to this relentless call of distress, BSAVED stands steadfast, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. 

Recently, our organization embarked on a humanitarian endeavor of monumental proportions, reaching out to the war-displaced inhabitants fleeing the relentless clashes between the Congolese Armed Forces (FARDC) and the M23 rebels. In the heart of the refugee camps nestled within the confines of LUSHAGALA, nestled in the vicinity of MUGUNGA, Goma, we extended our hands of aid, offering solace to the weary souls seeking refuge from the storm.

Displacement of families in Goma_DRC due to war, Emergency Intervention Program

Guided by our unwavering commitment and fueled by compassion, our dedicated field team, under the watchful gaze of the camp manager, orchestrated a symphony of relief efforts that touched the lives of over a hundred families. Essential provisions, ranging from sustenance to vital non-food items, were distributed with care and diligence, supplemented by a modest fund to address the most pressing of needs.

Displacement of families in DRC due endless war,Emergency Intervention Program


Among the recipients of our aid were women, the elderly, individuals with disabilities, and the most vulnerable of all, children under the age of fifteen. It is our solemn pledge to extend our hand of assistance to those in dire need, regardless of circumstance or affiliation. BSAVED, supported by our invaluable partners and generous donors, remains unwavering in our resolve to answer the call of distress, extending aid to victims of armed conflicts, survivors of natural disasters, and all who find themselves ensnared in the grip of adversity.

Rescuing Dreams From The Depths Of Despair